So i realized when i wrote the last post that i had already done some parts of the initial install of my system?

Installed a fresh install of Leap 15 (in a VM)

This is what i had todo afterwards to get a ./mach configure to pass.

# sudo zypper in mercurial git

In a folder like ~/Projects/Source/Mozilla/

# hg clone
Meanwhile you can add the following to your ~/.mozconfig file

mk_add_options PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2
and add the following to your shells RC file like ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or ~/.kshrc or whatever you may have

export MOZCONFIG=~/.mozconfig
You can also grab Rust/Cargo
# curl -sSf | sh

I took the 1st choise, Default install.

You will also need to grab some more packages. OpenSuSE does not seem to be able to use the bootstrap option via the mozilla mach tool. Some of these might not be nessesairy, but my configure now passed.

# sudo zypper in lld5 lld binutils-gold libpulse-devel llvm llvm-devel clang clang-devel autoconf213 libgnome-devel gtk2-devel dbus-1-glib-devel yasm xorg-x11-libXt-devel patterns-gnome-devel_gnome

After that has been installed, and you have grabbed the Mercurial repo. Close this terminal and start a new one.

# cd ~/Projects/Source/Mozilla/mozilla-central
Now you should be able to run
# ./mach configure
if you get the following two lines at the end of the output, you are golden

Configure Complete!
Be sure to run |mach build| to pick up any changes
Then cross your fingers and:

# ./mach build
Depending on your machine this can easily take up to over 1 hour the successful build might give you a notification in your system. Or the last few lines of the output should be:

Your build was successful!
To view resource usage of the build, run |mach resource-usage|.
To take your build for a test drive, run: |mach run|
For more information on what to do now, see
Stack hacking!