This is my first post here, so i start of by making a short introduction. You will also find this on the about page.

Yes, i will write in english, even though im from sweden. IF someone that does not speak swedish would stumble here, they would also know what it says. Its easier to write in one language than to write in two.

My name is Nicklas and im living in a city in the northern parts of Sweden, called Skellefteå. Its quite a small city, but its home. I became 30 atleast a year ago.

Now im working as a Tech support, of sorts, at Tieto, have been for almost 3 years. I think in august im having a 3year aniversary.

This blog, is runned by a selfhosted WordPress installation, on one of my two (yes i only got 2 machines now, had 5 at as a most) Debian GNU/Linux machines. This domain is bought from, they had a sale on .info domains, and that domain is pointed towards the dyndns adress i have, since my ISP(Internet Service Provider) is giving me a IP adress by DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). So if there’s some downtime, bare with me. Come back a few hours later.

Yes. I am a Linux guy, and there has not been a non-linux machine in my house (accept visitors) for the last 10 years or more…

Other intrests is Music, Movies and Sports. Listening and watching. Sadly when it comes to composing and creating the two im completely tonedeaf. When it comes to the listening, im mostly into the agressive stuff. Read Metal of all its sorts. Some Punk and some Hardcore … and Nirvana ofcourse. This is one thing that i do remember. The 1st Nirvana record i got was Nevermind, it was bought by a friend of mine who went to London. Not entierly sure about the date or year, but im pretty sure he (Kurt) was still alive.

I do have some pet peves, Prince for one. He totally rocked that Super Bowl Halftime show he played. Purple Rain is classic.

Some TV Series, that im following or some old favourites: Entourage, House, Fringe, Heroes, How i met your mother, The Big Bang theory, CSI, CSI:NY, CSI:Miami, Criminal Minds, NCIS, NCIS:LA, Bones, Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama, Simpsons…. some of the old, Las Vegas, Miami Vice, V, A-Team, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Friends, MacGuyver …. there’s probably more. One old series, that i cant really remember which, is something that im still looking for, it was an action series, back in probably the late 80s, all i remember, is from the intro, a guy sort of jumped of a bridge to pursuit the guy they where chasing. it Could be some later season of Starsky and Hutch, but im not sure. anyone knows!?

The Sports interest, has been apart of most of grown life. During my youth i played both Soccer and Icehockey. Have played Golf aswell. Therefore both soccer and hockey is part of my need-to-watch sports. I also try to follow the MLB(Major League Baseball) from the distance, since i dont have that channel. And i guess, if i had to, under gunpoint, rank the three where 1 is favourite and 3 is the least favourite i had to go with Soccer 1, Baseball 2 and Icehockey 3.

I “stopped” playing Icehockey first (got kicked of the team) which was probably for the best, cant really say that the team spirit was the highest. I probably got scarred for life during the last 2-3 years i played… Words can hurt youknow. Dont know if the team spirit was screwed up or if it was just against me…

I stopped playing, by choice this time, soccer, a few years later. Guess you shouldn’t blame others when you yourself choose to do things. But bad trainer, gave me bad confidence, made me play bad and then i sort of lost intrest. Could also have been the fact that it started taking more time with more trainings and such.

One interest, that i havent mentioned, is programming. At the university, i read something roughly translated to “Computer Knowledge”, which i guess is a branch of Computer Science, but it dwells alot deeper into the subjects that computer science touches. It had alot more programming than computer science had, so it was a easy pick.

Little did i know, that it would be the toughest task i ever put my mind into. Another thing that differed from the classic Computer Science program, was that we read 2 courses half time, in parallel. Where as Computer Science read only one course full time. Depending on which kind of person you are, this could either be to a great advantage or to a great dissadvantage. Guess i was the 2nd kind of person. Because it didnt really go aswell as i had hoped. I did not complete it, i didnt get my degree. I guess thats another thing that didnt really boost my ego. 1st kid in the family that went to university and fail.

I digress, during the years like 15-25 programming was like breathing to me. I still got it, in the backbone. Its like riding a bicycle, you just need to get up on it again, and you will remember. Right now, im not programming much at all. But sometimes, i get back into it. Before i went to the university i looked into some Basic, Pascal, C, C++ and Java. (In that order). During the university years i learned myself C# aswell, before i took that course. (Using the opensource port, Mono) creating GUI(Graphical User Interface) applications against the GTK graphics library and various databases.

Im not sure what else to mention. Im on some of the social medias, facebook, myspace, twitter and linkedin. Ill add those links to the Links section.

Again, i will try to update the blog to some regular capacity.